Customer Service Award Ideas and Wording
Taylor Circle Acrylic Award
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For many Organizations, the Recognition of an Individual or Company that has Made Significant Contributions to Charitable Organizations in the Community have Become Important Elements in their Awards Programs.
Sometimes these awards are named after a founding member of the organization, significant member or employee from the firm's past, or a large contributor.
Some Philanthropy Awards are presented as thank you for a significant donation for a new facility, expansion, research grant or the addition of new and much needed equipment.
Philanthropy awards are given to celebrate the leadership of individuals and organizations who advance innovative solutions and demonstrate meaningful progress in a community, association, or other nonprofit organization. Philanthropy awards recognize individuals and leaders who give, advocate and volunteer for positive change. Many times, these awards will honor a corporation or a corporate foundation that demonstrates outstanding commitment through financial support, or through encouragement and motivation of others, to take leadership roles toward philanthropy and community involvement.
Often these awards are presented at an annual benefit or gathering for the organization. In addition to an individual being presented with an award, an additional plaque or duplicate award is often engraved to be displayed at the organization’s main office, either in the lobby or the main conference room. Here are some ideas and options for wording your Philanthropy Award.
Philanthropy Award Wording Ideas
1. Option for Wording Your Philanthropy Awards
Philanthropy Award
Presented To
Recipient Name
Recognizing Your
Contributions to
The Community/Organization
Thank You for Your
Selfless Acts of Kindness
2. Option for Wording Your Philanthropy Awards
Organization Name
Philanthropy Award
Presented To
Recipient Name
Your Contributions Have
Been Notable and Are
Truly Appreciated
3. Option for Wording Your Philanthropy Awards
Organization Name
Philanthropy Award
Presented To
Recipient Name
For Your Dedication
And Contributions to Others
4. Option for Wording Your Philanthropy Awards
In Recognition Of
Recipient Name
For Your Philanthropic Efforts
To Better the Lives of Others
Company/Organization Name
More Inspirational & Fun Wording Ideas for Sales Awards
Philanthropy Award
Presented To
Recipient Name
You Are An Inspiration
To All That Know You.
Thank You for Making
A Difference.
Recipient Name
Philanthropic Contributions
Presented by
Organization Name
Your Efforts Have
Touched Many