Wellness Program Award Ideas and Wording

Wellness Program Award Ideas and Wording

Many Organizations are Adopting Wellness Programs for their Employees and Staff, Awards that Recognize Participation, Achievement and Completion have been Added to Company Recognition Programs.

The advantages of wellness programs include reduced health care costs, increased productivity, decreased absenteeism, reduced stress, and overall improved health and morale. Here are some wording ideas and options for your Wellness Program awards, plaques, or trophies.

Wellness Program Awards are often given for reaching goals such as weight loss, walking 10,000 steps daily, quitting smoking, participating in a daily exercise program, and other such goals. There may also be some health-related classes and seminars in which participation will be rewarded and recognized by a wellness program.

Wellness Awards are often given quarterly, close to the time when goals are. Ongoing awards can be given for continuing to maintain the healthy habits that the program focuses on.


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Wellness Program Award Wording and the 5 W's

The 5 W's
Who is being recognized?
Sarah Holmes
What is the name of the award?
Healthy Lives Awards
Where is the event or organization?
Robertson Shipping, Inc.
When is the timeframe for the award?
March 21st, 2020
Why are you giving the award?
Completion of company wellness program

Wellness Program Award Wording Ideas

1. Option for Wellness Program Award Wording

Wellness Program Achievement Award
For Completing the Company Name
Wellness Program Initiatives

Grant Award Plaques

2. Option for Wellness Program Award Wording

Company Name
Wellness Program Certification
Presented to
Recipient Name
For your active participation
And commitment to making
Healthy choices

Texas Black Piano Plaques

3. Option for Wellness Program Award Wording

In Recognition of
Recipient Name
For Completion of the
Company Name
Wellness Program

Tahoe Black & Gold Awards

4. Option for Wellness Program Award Wording

Recognizing ___ Years
Participation in the Company
Wellness Program
Recipient Name

Mirage Glass Plaque

5. Option for Wellness Program Award Wording

Company Name
Wellness Program Leader
Recipient Name
Recognizing your Contributions
To Creating a Healthy Workplace

Liam Fused Black and Clear Crystal Award

6. Option for Wellness Program Award Wording

Wellness Program Participation
Recipient Name

Mateo Awards
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